Funky Duck Forever

Funky can wing it,

Funky can fly, Funky is the dude, can you see why?

Funky Duck Forever!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where do I start

Since I last signed in I've done three rescues. It really has been frantic, what with the fire brigade coming to one rescue and being a star in the news. I just haven't been able to put anything new on the blog.
I have time to tell you about one of the rescues. Actually it's the most embarrassing. I was walking past this guy who was locking his car. I don't know where he was off to but he'd parked his car and was ready to do what he was going to do when, you guessed it, he dropped his keys and of course they didn't just land in the gutter, they went through that metal thingy and down the drain hole. Well his hand was to big to fit so guess who came to the rescue, the true hero. Me of course. I slid my fingers through the bars, it was a bit of a squash, and fished around for the keys. Luck would have it, they were just out of my reach. I pulled my arm back thinking we'd have to try and lift the grate when my hand came to a stop. It wouldn't come back through the bars. I got my photo in the paper as the fireman loaded me into the fire engine with the grate still attached. Well they got it off at the hospital and said I was a real hero. By the way, the man got his keys. Another satisfied customer. 

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