Funky Duck Forever

Funky can wing it,

Funky can fly, Funky is the dude, can you see why?

Funky Duck Forever!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What is it with these shakes

I'm starting to rattle, I'm starting to roll.
Look out, I'm ready to go,
I know no danger, I know no fear,
I'm Funky Duck, quick, over there.

Earthquakes are weird things, you never know where they are going to be.
What we do need to know is what to do, I'm sure that you are really up on this now if you live in Christchurch. It's one of those things that "if you need to know it, then get on and learn it.

If you are reading this and have been earthquaking lately tell us what you did really well at, and don't say playing in the liquifaction - you are not allowed to play in it. Phew!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wow - That wasn't fun

A week ago we had a terrible shock. Funky Duck was speechless as he had never been through anything like that before. Funky Duck lives in Christchurch New Zealand, his hood is knocked about and his feathers were ruffled. But and it is an enormous but - nothing keeps FD down, he's been out there, he's been around shifting silt, shifting sand but hey hold on, no playing in it, no digging in it because it's got gross stuff in it.

FD has been meeting lots of cool bananas, dudes that have stories that scare him, that sadden him. He's decided that there is enough sadness what we need to do is rap it, sing it,  use some moves to show it.
Hey dudes look out for ya mates, ya friends and the dudes that hang together.

Wow the FD dudes are real cool dudes, show the world that we are strong,  show them that FD dudes stick together.  F u n k y D u c k he knows no worries, he knows no fear, Funky Duck oh dear...