Funky Duck Forever

Funky can wing it,

Funky can fly, Funky is the dude, can you see why?

Funky Duck Forever!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Well, it's been a while. 

What's been happening?  I've been honing my skills and getting better at saving people. 

It was so embarrassing saving people when they didn't need saving. My friend Wheels put me straight and now I make sure that there is trouble before I fix it. 

Hey you should see Wheels at the skatepark. He's been practising doughnuts in his wheelchair. He kept spinning out and I would have to help him get back in but practice, practice, practice makes perfect. And that is what I've been doing too. But you should see Wheels he gets the speed up down the ramp and before he gets to the opposite ramp he leans to one side, grabs the wheel on that side and spins around.  His next idea is to turn it into a figure of eight. 

It's taken me a long time to sort out how to get really good at being a super hero. I'd love some ideas. I know that I have to have great powers of observation. Be a great athlete and know lots of stuff. 

School was boring last year but I did learn how to research stuff and that was helpful with learning super hero stuff. I also found some different science experiments on youtube. When I get time I'll put some more on the blog.

Hey This will be fun. I'm back into it. See ya next time.  

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